catb 253: Closing Night

It's finally closing night at Devlins for Wally & Staci. That was a pretty long six weeks, wasn't it? When one of Wally's girlfriends said "maybe longer" back in catb 186, she wasn't kidding! Hope everybody in the U.S. had a Happy Thanksgiving, and best wishes to everybody for the upcoming holiday season. Show of hands who's already set their tree up? We haven't here at Casey Central. I prefer to wait until the 7th. It a tradition passed down to me from my dad. No Christmas until after Pearl Harbor Day. Dad may be gone, but his tradition lives on. Salute. I have to admit, balancing comics and job hunting has not been easy. A lot has changed since I last put myself out there for a new job. I have tons of learning and catching up to do. Its been an interesting experience (so far). Also: If Christmas is just around the corner, then so is the annual CATB Christmas special! What will Dougie give Casey this year? Leave your suggestions in the comments. If I use your suggestion, you'll get a free Casey PDF pinup featuring the CATB character of your choice. Note: If you're new to Casey, or just want to catch up with this chapter, you click here to go the beginning of our current story. You can also go the Chapters page and select from a whole slew of Mr Wilkes' adventures. We're all about choices here at CATB.

6 thoughts on “catb 253: Closing Night

  1. Theodorable Kerecz

    I am a big fan of CATB! It’s been fun watching the characters grow! Your art work and story lines have grown a well! I also appreciate that you do not drag a story on and on! I never would have known about the Eurovision Song Contest if it wasn’t for you Bob!
    In response to your request regarding what Dougie should give Casey this year for Christmas… how about tickets to see the musical King Kong in NYC?! Maybe have Dougie tease Casey about his fantasy of being Fay Wray! She was a Canadian actress! Thanks for the chance to submit a suggestion! Take care for now and good luck landing that perfect job!
    Warmest regards, Theodorable

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I have some friends who saw King Kong and they found it quite enjoyable. Dougie gave Casey Hamilton tickets a couple of years ago though, so it may be too soon to do a show again. You never know.

  2. Dougie should get tickets to NYCGHA, Polar Bears take on the Tigers. Beer, fights, gay hockey, who could ask for anything more?

    1. Ha! That sounds more like Casey’s gift to Dougie!

  3. Happy New Year, All! I see you went with that tie suggestion from Anonymous! LOL

    1. Yes I did, although I admit it was a last minute edit.

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